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Certificates of Deposit

Watch your savings grow with interest! Our Certificates of Deposit will give you peace of mind, as you can rest assured that your funds are safe and secure. Its easy to get started with a low minimum opening deposit of $1,000 for Certificates of Deposit and $500 for Retirement Accounts along with maturities ranging from 6 months to 5 years.

Certificates of Deposit and Retirement Account Rates

Effective Date: Monday, March 31, 2025

Certificates of Deposit and Retirement Account Rates (Rate Table)
TermInterest RateAPY
6 Month CD3.00%3.00%**How To Open
1 Year CD3.20%3.25%*How To Open
18 Month CD3.20%3.25%*

How To Open

2 Year CD1.98%2.00%*How To Open
3 Year CD1.98%2.00%*How To Open
5 Year CD1.98%2.00%*How To Open

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is based on interest compounding monthly.
**Annual Percentage Yield (APY) based on simple interest.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
$1,000.00 CD minimum balance to open and obtain the stated APY.
$500.00 Retirement Account minimum balance to open and obtain the stated APY.
APY assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for at least one year.
Penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals.
Personal Funds Only. Product offer may be withdrawn at anytime.

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